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electio-technology-metals-investment-brochure-1-638Investing in Technology Metals has become more popular over the last few years as a variety of global macroeconomic factors as well as the supply demand balance has made the asset class an ideal play on growth and safety.

Technology Metals are a hot choice for prudent investors in the Middle East as the prices for technology metals have been soaring in the face of a major supply/demand imbalance. As the planet’s population continues to grow and become more high-tech, demand for these materials is increasing at a rapid rate.

Technology Metals are used to manufacture almost every modern technological module – from wind turbines to electric cars, iPhones and nuclear reactors to sonar systems – tech metals are adaptable in their deployment and unique in their properties.

Electio, a brokerage offering investments into tech metals, offers a medium through which investors can diversify their portfolio and claim a stake in tangible commodities that are fundamental to the future of technology and innovation.

According to Election Invest, investments in technology metals are expected to yield returns of 14 to 19% per annum as the global demand soaring and capacity limited by access to supply of the raw materials. These commodities offer a passive investment model without the need for day-to-day monitoring, even as global demand and exponential growth forecasts are associated with the metals.

Electio’s General Manager Kyle Pillay says, “In our opinion, Electio’s structure provides the most direct way of investing in these metals. In the same way that an investor may choose to hold physical bullion instead of investing in a gold exchange-traded fund (ETF), we provide an alternative to investors who wish to invest in rare earths, but do not wish to hold a financial product.”

“When conducting our market research nearly four years ago, many investors were licking their wounds from the financial crisis and expressed a desire to hold more ‘real’ assets and fewer paper assets,” he added.

Investments in tech metals can afford protection from inflationary pressures and its associated costs, as these tangible commodities are not associated to the vulnerable global financial markets. These are secure and crisis-proof investments linked to a global demand but not subject to market volatility. While investing in tech metals, Eelctio allows investors to physically take ownership of their assets at their discretion.

However, many wise investors believe some of the best future returns could lie within these critical metals, which are inevitable for the modern technology and infrastructure. They believe that the investments in technology metals sector could be the place for high returns over the next decade.